It's extremely important to protect yourself from negativity, to prevent it from influencing your mood, energy levels, health and behaviour. If you find your mood changes immediately and you instantly become someone else in the presence of certain people, this is a good indication that you have handed your power over to them and have given up taking responsibility for yourself. The best thing to do is simply be yourself, be true to who you are and what you believe in, and be positive and sincere. Maybe, just maybe, your behaviour and energy will produce a more positive experience for everyone and create a whole new experience. You never know — you might be able to help a negative person alter their way of thinking in the direction of a better way of living. Those who are ready for you to show up in their lives will sit up and take notice, and those who aren’t, won’t. A negative attitude can be highly contagious, but a positive attitude can be infectious too. Spread y...