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Have you ever tuned into music, expecting it to be one thing but then it turns around and exceeds any expectation you've had? ROCKY continues to blow me away with his adept creativity and command of his talents.

For those of you who may not have the pleasure, Rocky is a DJ/Producer performing around Southwestern Ontario (Canada). He performs across a variety of venues and concerts alike, dominating each crowd he comes in contact with.

This Saturday night, Rocky celebrates the release of his new track,
, and his fan base could not be anymore excited.

Thankfully, I was lucky enough to get a preview of this masterpiece before it's debut. I've been listening to Amazonian on repeat, and every time I’m taken away, lifted right out of my body and sent on a journey. I can’t promise it will take you to the same places it takes me but if your headphones are on just right and the volume properly blocks the outside world, then you’ve got 6 minutes of traveling to do.

is enriched with haunting beats and wild rhythms which entice the listener to crave for more. This captivating track draws it's casualties out to an experience like never before on the dance floor. Dark melodies and unique influences creates an earthy atmosphere that set the tone of your evening away.

In order to attempt to prepare yourself for this journey you can find him on these social media platforms, as well as his website and soundcloud:



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