Life's greatest teachers are heart-breaks, emptiness and failures. We come across things in our lives that - at the time - can become obstacles. Sometimes we take one over another, and sometimes they come all at once. I have noticed recently that I have fallen into a slump. I take these "obstacles" and pile them up. I even take an obstacle and twist it to make it seem worse than it actually is. In my head, it is that bad. I've recently had a few events happen that felt like my heart was breaking and have created this slump. Does that happen to anyone else? Something you care about so much doesn't pan out in your favour and it ends up hurting so badly? Heartbreaks Everyone knows what rejection feels like. It’s a universal (and universally disliked) experience, but it’s one that we each experience differently. For the most part, people are pretty good at moving on with their lives — even better than they might guess. Sometimes, though, getting rejected hurts...