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What's your story?

In a previous blog, I wrote: 'The best present you could give yourself is the "present''. The past no longer exists and tomorrow never seems to come. All we have is now.'

Even though I still believe this to be true, some recent events have changed my outlook on how to spend our time in the present. 

We often let ourselves believe that we are defined by our circumstance, our family history, our environment or more. The truth is, we define ourselves by that, no one else does. When you finally get sick of reading the same shitty story over and over again, and you can recite the words by heart, you begin to wonder if there is more to life than that.
I have come to this realization when the social bubble that I lived in burst. I tend to stick to my own little world. I was on my way home from my adventures downtown when I was approached by a man who appeared to be (stereotypically) homeless. I rarely ever turn away a chance to learn something new, which for me has always been a good mindset to have, so I asked him his name. I think that question threw him off-guard, as if no one had asked him that in some time. Throughout our discussion, I had learned a lot. Not just about this man named Shawn, but about myself as well.
I want to take this opportunity to share a little bit about Shawn's story. Shawn is 33 years old, and is a graduate from McMaster University where he studied Engineering. Shawn is also a man who has only lived in a house for 2 of the past eleven years of his life, and spends his free time making gifts for his friends out of things he is given or has collected over time. He usually travels to one of the shelters near Richmond St, and when money allows, to McDonalds to grab a hot meal. 
This isn't Shawn's whole story. This is just a chapter. A chapter that will hopefully be a epilogue to a better ending. 
The duration of my chat with Shawn was him wanting to know about me. My goals, my hopes, what I am really passionate about. It has been one of the most raw and genuine conversations that I have had in years. I met Shawn back in June, but Shawn's chapter of his story has stuck with me everyday. 
Shawn's outlook on his life has caused me to pause and reflect on mine. Although Shawn and I were unable to keep in contact, I consider him to be one of life's biggest teachers. How he carried himself, his passion and zest for life. his goals and aspirations were so simple in my eyes, but for him they meant everything. He has plans to build himself back up, to plan a future instead of being stuck in the 'what ifs' of the past. Even after our deep conversation, Shawn and I went to pizza to discuss other things such as the construction in London and changes we would make if we were on city council. 
After my conversation with Shawn, I left feeling uplifted. I had the biggest smile on my face. He changed me, when I just wanted to say 'hi'. His small chapter of his life's story became the foundation of what I want my future chapters of my life to look like. A positive, outgoing, caring individual with a zest for making other people happy. I could honestly say so much more in detail about Shawn, but out of respect to him, I will leave it at that. 
When we stop living in the past and stop allowing ourselves to be the lead character in someone else’s story about us, we are able to gain control and make decisions based on what we truly desire in life. I didn’t know starting out what my desires were, but I knew very clearly what they weren’t. For me, that was the biggest first step I could take.
What have you been telling yourself about your story? Have you even thought about what your story is?
If we live NOW, live on purpose, and live with the incredible knowledge that you are NOT defined by anything in this life other than what you allow, you gain power. You have the extreme power to write your own story and make it a best seller. 
I think society is so focused in on the past chapter's of their novels. Making attempts to edit them. What we need to do as a collective community is to acknowledge the little things (and do the little things TODAY) that will provide fruition to our future chapters to our life's story. The little things like saying 'hi' to an individual on the street. 
Maybe one day you will meet your Shawn, and maybe he will help you edit the current chapter of your life's story.
- M


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