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Why do I love Disney?

Every time that I am asked why I like Disney so much, I immediately become extremely defensive as if it is a crime to do so. How dare someone disrespect the Mouse, and the magic that comes with Disney? I take every negative comment against Disney as a personal attack, and I feel responsible to defend the brand with all my might. I don't know why, but I take ownership in the fact that Disney overwhelms a very large part of my life. If you didn't know that by now, you are in for a trip. You can imagine the response I get when I tell my family and friends that one day I will be working for the Mouse.

I have never become so territorial over something, like I do Disney. I take pride in the fact that I know more about Disney, and it's history than I do about Canadian history (sorry Mr. Kiffman). Disney is a place where I can obtain copious amounts of joy and happiness.

If you had asked me when I was younger, I would have responded with 'I like watching movies with my family.' That aspect hasn't changed. Disney films will always be my favourite, and will continue to bring my family of four together. Soon, taking the leap from graduate to adult (terrifying, I know), I've gained a stronger appreciation for what Disney stands for and the messages that it's media works to promote. I do not watch the films and simply enjoy the story, I dive between the layers and analyze them. Some would think that it is a direct result of my passion for writing, which you are not wrong to say, because I think Disney was the root of that drive. However, I think there is something more to it. I discover something new everything I watch, and re-watch a film, listen to a piece of music, return to the parks, and it fuels my desire to want more, and share it with others.

Disney inspires community. A community is essential to what defines Disney. Disney has built the foundation for a great community, and that is what it has become since the company's birth. The unity of the stories, the art, the people all pieced together through comics, books, films, music and theme parks. I know of a wide variety of songs that are inspired through community, and fall perfectly under the umbrella of Walt Disney Studios.

Walt created Disney for families. It is not immature, or childish to be drawn in by animation, fictional characters, messages of hope, faith, dreams and love. He bred a place for families to reconnect; the young and the old growing together through the magic of imagination and storytelling. Here is where my creative passions come in to play.

The ability to create, and tell stories has been a large part of my life. Both in the past and present, I have been blest to share my stories with others through theatre, songwriting, journaling and now writing books and blog posts. From a young age, I've looked up to Disney as setting /THE/ standard for storytelling, and I continuously wished that one day I'd be writing for Disney.

I shouldn't put that in past tense, because it is still one of my dreams, and one I hope to achieve one day.

Within the past year, I've had moments where I've been down. When I say down, I do not mean 'sad'. Yes, I did feel sadness, but I also felt confusion, anger, frustration and pain. I know what you are thinking, 'but Mariann, you are so bubbly and outgoing!' There have been days at a time where I cannot get myself out of bed, and days that I let my pains win. There are moments in my life where I feel like I've been sinking and no one can see me struggle. Now you're thinking, 'why didn't you ask for help?' It's much more difficult than that. Being extroverted and bubbly all of the time wears you down. Now imagine putting on a smile every single moment of your life as you are in public eye, but crumbling inside until you collapse when you are alone in your room. There has been times when I cried for no known reason, and times when I felt nothing at all. I've created a safe haven in my mind, where I can watch Disney related videos and sink into their stories. A certain kind of peace in the seas on chaos. Through Disney, I learned that it was okay to not be okay and I learned how to handle it - alone. I'm quite the independent lady.

Disney has always been my safe haven, an escape. I've struggled, but have learned more about bullying, self control, self awareness, cultural awareness, beauty standards, and the world through Disney's eyes. I've learned more about myself as a writer (and a person) through Disney, than I have any other medium (well, Harry Potter too). For that, I am ever grateful.

A few years ago, I promised myself that by the age of 24 I would be settled down and ready to be present in life. Everything would be planned out, and it would just be time to live. If there is one thing that I've learned in these few years, it is that life has a weird way of working out, and it runs on it's own schedule. You can plan 'til your heart's content, but it means nothing when something else comes into play and shifts everything off course, and even though my plans change - one remains.

Regardless of age, situation, reality, everything that I am meant to be focusing on as a young woman, Disney is the one thing that keeps me grounded. It's always been the source of my hobbies and passions, and the comfort I seek when I need it most. I've established a home within Disney, and I hope I never leave it.

Through Disney, I've made a large amount of connections. I've had the privilege to create more friendships, books, memories and dreams through this company.

I will stop rambling on as it is 5am and I know I am not making sense.


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