February 4th, 2018
Day #33
If life didn't challenge us or throw unexpected curve balls at us...it would be boring. We wouldn't grow. Not to say we don't deserve a happy and comfortable life. But it is to say... we need to have periods intermittent growth throughout all stages of our life- and that growth comes not only with the ups of life, but also with the downs. It's often through the rough patches where we get to know ourselves more. Learn to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations. Learn to be comfortable to say no to things that don't feed your joy peace or happiness. We won't always get our way- but we can learn make the best of what life throws at us and adapt.
You are being presented with a choice: evolve or remain. If you choose to remain unchanged, you will be presented with the same challenges, the same routine, the same storms and situations until you learn from them. Until you love yourself enough to say, 'no more.' Or better yet, until you choose change.
If you choose to evolve, you will connect with the strength within you, you will explore what lies outside the comfort zone. You will awaken to love, and have everything you need.
Choose to evolve. Choose to love. Choose love.
- M
Day #33
If life didn't challenge us or throw unexpected curve balls at us...it would be boring. We wouldn't grow. Not to say we don't deserve a happy and comfortable life. But it is to say... we need to have periods intermittent growth throughout all stages of our life- and that growth comes not only with the ups of life, but also with the downs. It's often through the rough patches where we get to know ourselves more. Learn to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations. Learn to be comfortable to say no to things that don't feed your joy peace or happiness. We won't always get our way- but we can learn make the best of what life throws at us and adapt.
You are being presented with a choice: evolve or remain. If you choose to remain unchanged, you will be presented with the same challenges, the same routine, the same storms and situations until you learn from them. Until you love yourself enough to say, 'no more.' Or better yet, until you choose change.
If you choose to evolve, you will connect with the strength within you, you will explore what lies outside the comfort zone. You will awaken to love, and have everything you need.
Choose to evolve. Choose to love. Choose love.
- M
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