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Mitchell Loves Michelle

Wow. I am both blest and humbled to be apart of this small but mighty, amazing and generous community. My heart is full. Extremely full. When something happens to a member of our community, the rest of us comes together. Through triumphs and tragedies, for better and for worse. Last night, hundreds of people came together in the small town of Mitchell for the Seigner family. 

For those of you who are unfamiliar with this story, I take you back to the end of January to give you a brief synopsis. Michelle and Darryl Seigner were heading away when they were involved in a serious accident that injured Darryl and seriously injured Michelle. Darryl and Michelle were taken to a hospital in Cambridge where Michelle was immediately to Hamilton General Hospital. When Michelle made some more progress and beds were opening in London, Michelle was transported to Victoria Hospital. Michelle was labelled as quadriplegic and has been relearning basic movements at Parkwood in London. Through her strong will, determination and the amazing people of this facility, she has gained some movement back in her arms, can breathe on her own and even speak! 

Because of the requirements and needs of Michelle, and the costs that come with them, Mitchell Loves Michelle came to be. Terry McKone and Rob Sawyer (my dad) came together as long time best friends of the couple. In a matter of three months, the help of 54 volunteers and extremely generous donations from members of our community, the event was held on the evening of June 17, 2016. Everyone donated there time, talents and services including music, live auctioneers, bartenders, and the many donations to the silent auction tables and the live auction itself. 

Oh, and who could forget the "Mitchell famous" bacon burgers (thank you Mitchell Legion)! 

The ice pad of the Mitchell Community Center was packed full of fun, reminiscent memories, laughs and tears. 

The approximate estimate hypothesizes that our community has raised $60,000 thus far for the family, but no number has been released as of yet. 

If you wish to donate to help cover basic costs, please visit the gofundme page created by Michelle's co-worker and friend Anne Johnson Vaters:

Thank you again to those who came out to support this wonderful family. A big thank you to those who both supported this event through your time, talents, and patience. 

Mitchell loves Michelle. 

Mitchell is fantastic. 
I love Mitchell.


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