"You will write someone's favorite book in the whole world someday. You will write the book that changes someone's life. You will write the book that opens someone's life to a whole world of books and makes them love reading. Someone out there is waiting for your book. Someone out there needs you to write it." - Joel Hilchey
You can dream big, but dreams don't always come true without a little hard work and determination. Keep an open heart, and open mind and try to take every opportunity you can.
Who knew that going to a Residence Life Leadership Conference would open so many doors? I've been twice, and while both of these conferences were amazing in their own right, this second conference became a large stepping stone in my life. A weekend conference where I would begin to network with others who are also writers and authors.
Both years I have made many friends from many different colleges and universities. Still to this day, I keep in contact with most of them. I've even had the pleasure of running into them again in other walks of life.
However, no one sticks out more to me than our keynote speaker, Joel Hilchey. Usually, I enjoy listening to what speakers have to say because of their message and walk away with a few thoughts that influence my outlook on the weekend. Though after Joel finished, I left with a whole new insight on goal setting, on leadership and on following my dreams.
Before and after his talk, I had the opportunity to meet him, buy his books (and get them autographed) and have a genuine discussion with him. He was very open to talk to me and give me some great advice on everything from challenging yourself, avoiding mental chatter, to finding the best publisher for me. I signed up for his monthly newsletter, and eventually send him emails in reply just to keep our conversation going.
Joel told me to send him my milestones. Everything that I am proud of. I sent him my list with the attached sentence, "it's simple."
His reply, "simple does not mean little. You are on your way!"
This experience is something that I am able to keep living thanks to me seeing an opportunity and jumping with both feet.
How many opportunities a day do you miss? How many signs do you not see because you are too close minded? Too ignorant? Too "laid back."
Everyday the world presents you with new opportunities to learn and grow. Sometimes, these opportunities are difficult to see and sometimes you won't realize what they were until months down the road like I have.
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