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Year of the blog: Day #12 - Find your peace.

January 14th, 2018

Day #12

Find your peace, even when the world around you is raging like a storm of chaos. Find your peace. Become the pillar of calm in the sea of chaos.

I was told there was a balance to this life as if there was a way to control our existence and everything that happens in it. I can tell you for certain, this is untrue.

There is only the wind and the ocean. Sometimes we are the waves, viciously crashing on the shoreline with no control where the wind will take us. Other times we are the wind, in control of how and where we move the ocean. Life is about finding a sense of peace in it all and working with that peace to create a positive change.

Sometimes, you need to reflect and step back. What in this world gives you breath? I find oxygen in conversations that help people grow. I find oxygen in art where one's honest creativity is shown. I find oxygen in people who strive to leave this place better than we found it.

Maybe, in a twisted way, that is peace.

- M


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