January 15th, 2018
Day #13
One day, they will get it.
Twice today I saw what happens when we stop caring about each other. When we start to think other people are just cars on the road— other bodies in a long line. Sometimes it floors me, how angry we get at each other. Really, are we in such a rush that we really need to flip people off as our cars pass because we are inconvenienced for three seconds? Does that really help anything? Do we really need to put ourselves absolutely first and pretend no one else matters?
I’ll tell you what, sweet souls. The answer is no. And we have to do a hell of a lot better than we’re doing. Because as beautiful and self-aware as we become in our own hearts— if we don’t go out there and shine that light outwards, it doesn’t matter one bit. You hear me? It doesn’t. Please be kinder to each other. Please. Stop spreading all this hate— this ugliness— in a world that has plenty of it already. That accident ahead of you— the one that’s causing all that traffic? Try to remember that somebody’s life just changed. That long line at the store? Remember that the cashiers are doing their absolute best. That person who doesn’t let you merge on a highway?
They are going through the worst time of their life. There are a million reasons people do what they do— and I promise you that the first ten are not to make you mad. To annoy you. To make you late. Sweet souls— we have to do better than this. We have to. Get out there and spread a little joy. And have a little patience. And remember— everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle than you. Give them some space to be imperfect.
Unless they use those imperfections to treat you like you are anything less than enough.
That's not cool.
- M
Day #13
One day, they will get it.
Twice today I saw what happens when we stop caring about each other. When we start to think other people are just cars on the road— other bodies in a long line. Sometimes it floors me, how angry we get at each other. Really, are we in such a rush that we really need to flip people off as our cars pass because we are inconvenienced for three seconds? Does that really help anything? Do we really need to put ourselves absolutely first and pretend no one else matters?
I’ll tell you what, sweet souls. The answer is no. And we have to do a hell of a lot better than we’re doing. Because as beautiful and self-aware as we become in our own hearts— if we don’t go out there and shine that light outwards, it doesn’t matter one bit. You hear me? It doesn’t. Please be kinder to each other. Please. Stop spreading all this hate— this ugliness— in a world that has plenty of it already. That accident ahead of you— the one that’s causing all that traffic? Try to remember that somebody’s life just changed. That long line at the store? Remember that the cashiers are doing their absolute best. That person who doesn’t let you merge on a highway?
They are going through the worst time of their life. There are a million reasons people do what they do— and I promise you that the first ten are not to make you mad. To annoy you. To make you late. Sweet souls— we have to do better than this. We have to. Get out there and spread a little joy. And have a little patience. And remember— everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle than you. Give them some space to be imperfect.
Unless they use those imperfections to treat you like you are anything less than enough.
That's not cool.
- M
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