January 19th, 2018
Day #17
I was afraid to show my arms. Weird right? Not really when you think of how much I used to struggle with self confidence. I was afraid to share my work. I was afraid afraid of being judged and shamed by others, so I existed beneath the radar for the longest time.Then I began taking baby risks, and at the same, I made an effort to be around open-minded and open-hearted people.
So often it’s a cycle, people judge and shame us, so we judge and shame others; it’s gotta end somewhere. I’m proud to say I’m not longer afraid of many of those things any more, and those around me know that I’m a safe person to be around. I devote more energy to understand, rather than judge. Because I want to be myself and I encourage others to be themselves around me. I love being around unique folks, "nerds and weirdos", because it keeps things exciting and encourages me to take more big & baby risks.
Pay attention to the people you keep around you, how many of them do you feel comfortable being yourself around? Keep those people close, and continue working on being a safe space for others to be themselves. Art is about bringing new ideas into existence, and we’re all artists in one form or another.
Finding your art is something that is important, but not always straight-forward. You can look at someone right away and tell what their art is (I'm looking at you, visual artists). Some people have a portfolio of their work on display (I'm looking at you, blog). Whether you are passionate about music, art, theatre, graphic design, videography, photography, writing, all listed, or more, never shy away from telling your story. Your art is a necessary piece to the chapter of life that we are interested and invested in.
- M
Day #17
I was afraid to show my arms. Weird right? Not really when you think of how much I used to struggle with self confidence. I was afraid to share my work. I was afraid afraid of being judged and shamed by others, so I existed beneath the radar for the longest time.Then I began taking baby risks, and at the same, I made an effort to be around open-minded and open-hearted people.
So often it’s a cycle, people judge and shame us, so we judge and shame others; it’s gotta end somewhere. I’m proud to say I’m not longer afraid of many of those things any more, and those around me know that I’m a safe person to be around. I devote more energy to understand, rather than judge. Because I want to be myself and I encourage others to be themselves around me. I love being around unique folks, "nerds and weirdos", because it keeps things exciting and encourages me to take more big & baby risks.
Pay attention to the people you keep around you, how many of them do you feel comfortable being yourself around? Keep those people close, and continue working on being a safe space for others to be themselves. Art is about bringing new ideas into existence, and we’re all artists in one form or another.
Finding your art is something that is important, but not always straight-forward. You can look at someone right away and tell what their art is (I'm looking at you, visual artists). Some people have a portfolio of their work on display (I'm looking at you, blog). Whether you are passionate about music, art, theatre, graphic design, videography, photography, writing, all listed, or more, never shy away from telling your story. Your art is a necessary piece to the chapter of life that we are interested and invested in.
- M
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