January 5th, 2018
Day #3
Do not wait until the next January 1st. It's never too late to start working for a better you.
Don't rely on motivation, rely on habit. Don't set goals, set habits that'll take you in that direction and more. Instead of trying to read 100 books in 2018, just try to read every day, even if only a few pages (that's still going to add up). Habits become part of us. They're not a battle, they are the baby steps that improve our journey. Habits start small and grow at a respectable rate.
New Years resolutions are often grand, and fizzle out by February. You already know if you'll fizzle out because you can look at last year as a tell tale sign. Think about the habits you have, and think about the habits you want.
- M
Day #3
Do not wait until the next January 1st. It's never too late to start working for a better you.
Don't rely on motivation, rely on habit. Don't set goals, set habits that'll take you in that direction and more. Instead of trying to read 100 books in 2018, just try to read every day, even if only a few pages (that's still going to add up). Habits become part of us. They're not a battle, they are the baby steps that improve our journey. Habits start small and grow at a respectable rate.
New Years resolutions are often grand, and fizzle out by February. You already know if you'll fizzle out because you can look at last year as a tell tale sign. Think about the habits you have, and think about the habits you want.
- M
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